About Grayce

As a certified Integrative Nutrition & Holistic Health Coach, Functional Practitioner, Yoga Instructor, and someone with an extensive journey of living with chronic health conditions myself, I am deeply passionate about supporting and guiding others through their own personal healing journey.


I know exactly how it feels to be dismissed, unseen, unheard, invalidated, and honestly failed when it comes to your health. I know exactly what it’s like to feel so lost and alone in the journey of healing, especially when no professional can explain what you need healing from. I spent years bouncing from doctor to doctor, seeing a variety of specialists for a variety of severe and seemingly “random” health issues, with no clear answers or path to move forward, just a blanket, generalized, band-aid prescription.

It wasn’t until I discovered functional lab work and holistic healing, and started working with a physician who incorporated advanced testing into her practice, when I started to finally get those answers and put pieces of the puzzle together. Over the years, this work has turned into a passion, which is why I’ve spent so much time and energy immersing myself in education, courses, and research - both for my own selfish benefit and with the hope to someday turn my pain into a greater purpose.

I’ve learned the power of using food as medicine, nature as medicine, movement as medicine, and even sometimes, medicine as medicine. I’m not here to force you away from the conventional model, because yes, sometimes it’s necessary.


But instead, I aim to show you that there are alternative options, and they can often be just as powerful, once the root of the issue is addressed. Functional labs are a great way to start chipping away at the root and understanding just how connected the body truly is, but the real healing begins when those other factors are faced - diet, lifestyle, environment, stress, nervous system regulation, and emotional wellbeing.

The body is literally designed to heal itself, by itself, if given the right tools and environment to do so. My purpose is to be that person that makes someone else feel seen, heard, and validated, and guide them on the path of better health by finally getting the answers they deserve.

I would be so honored to work with you and help you transform your own pain into purpose. But with all of that said, I’m just a guide, educator, constant support, and someone to help you piece your health puzzle together - but YOU are the medicine.



Healing is messy, and it’s most certainly never linear. Life is a constant journey with ebbs and flows, and sometimes, the best thing to do is pause, breathe, and


give yourself some damn grace.