Rather than focusing on symptoms or providing band-aid fixes, I aim to uncover the root cause of my clients’ health concerns through a personalized approach. We are all so incredibly different, and I believe that health should never be generalized.

Functional, root-cause-based healing all starts by asking the most important question: WHY. When underlying upstream imbalances exist in the body, this can lead to a whole host of downstream effects. By uncovering the “why”, downstream symptoms mitigate, or more often completely dissolve. Everything in the body is connected, which is why I look at my clients holistically - mind, body, and spirit - because they all play an essential role in our overall health.

In my practice, I offer advanced, extensive functional diagnostic testing, paired with blood work that is looked at through this functional lens. From there, I utilize natural dietary, supplemental, and lifestyle protocols geared towards restoring balance and harmony.

I also incorporate various mind-body exercises, somatic practices, yoga, meditation, breath work, and more into each of my client sessions, for clients to then utilize outside of sessions for optimal healing and wellbeing. Lastly, I share endless educational materials, resources, journal prompts, mindfulness based activities, and other helpful tools with each of my clients, empowering them to put in the necessary work to bring their body back into a state of safety.

Because when the body reaches this state, it can do exactly what it’s designed to do - heal.

The body is literally designed to heal itself, by itself, if given the right tools and environment to do so. My purpose is to be that person that makes someone else feel seen, heard, and validated, and guide them on the path of better health by finally getting the answers they deserve.

I would be so honored to work with you and help you transform your own pain into purpose. But with all of that said, I’m just a guide, educator, constant support, and someone to help you piece your health puzzle together - but YOU are the medicine.






  • GI Map OR DUTCH Test OR Urine Mycotoxin Analysis (valued at $350-500) - learn more about each of these tests on this page!

  • Comprehensive Blood Work Panel (valued at $300-600)

  • 4-month program with 7 total sessions (valued at $1,500+), options to extend dependent on case

  • In-depth initial consultation to review your unique health history and address your main symptoms and goals for healing

  • Lab results & analysis for GI Map / DUTCH / MycoTox and blood work provided via separate videos

  • In-depth lab results sessions, which includes further review of your test results and starting foundational protocol recommendations, based on any red flags and/or root-cause patterns of dysfunction found in test results

  • Detailed roadmap based on your lab results and health history to best support your healing journey and promote optimal wellness

  • Personalized diet / nutrition, exercise, stress management, nervous system, and additional lifestyle-based practices recommended to utilize outside of sessions for facilitated healing

  • Continuous 1-on-1 support to answer questions, track progress, and modify protocols as needed via Practice Better

  • Discounts on certain supplements within protocols and additional labs as needed

  • Option to continue working together at a pay-per-consult basis once program is complete

or three payments of $795



This program is recommended for those who experience a wide variety of seemingly “unrelated” health problems, and looking for a root cause approach to healing. Blood work is an incredible tool for assessing not only general wellness, but also more chronic and complex health concerns. By starting with a comprehensive blood work panel, we can gain insight into what might be going on underneath the surface, and from there I will provide you with a foundational starting protocol and roadmap explaining how we will best move forward. As everyone’s healing timeline is so incredibly different and we are all so complex, this program is offered on a pay-per-consult basis, rather than for a specific amount of time, once the initial consultations and foundational protocol begin. However, you will still have my full support along the journey - whether that entails meeting bi-weekly, monthly, or to simply answer your questions!


  • Comprehensive Blood Work Panel, reviewed through a functional lens using optimal ranges, with markers that can show patterns of general wellness, nutrient deficiencies & absorption, stress levels, gut & hormone health, underlying infections, inflammation, autoimmunity, and other root causes including parasites, heavy metals, mold & mycotoxins, lyme disease & co-infections, viruses, and more.

  • In-depth initial consultation after completing intake forms to review your unique health history and address your main symptoms and goals for healing.

  • Lab results & analysis provided via video, to watch at your own leisure and refer back to as needed.

  • Review & recommendations session which includes further review of your test results and starting foundational protocol recommendations, based on any red flags and/or root-cause patterns of dysfunction found in test results.

  • Detailed roadmap, broken into phases, based on your lab results and health history to best support your healing journey and promote optimal wellness.

  • Follow-up consultation scheduled 2-4 weeks after beginning initial foundational protocol.

  • Remaining consultations scheduled at your own discretion when you feel ready to move onto the next phase of the roadmap, offered on a pay-per-consult basis.

  • Nutrition, exercise, stress management, and additional lifestyle-based practices recommended to utilize outside of sessions for facilitated healing.

  • Continuous 1-on-1 support to answer questions, track progress, and modify protocols as needed via Practice Better.

Comprehensive intake session, blood work panel, results & analysis video, results & recommendations session, follow up session, foundational protocol & roadmap: $1,200
Follow up consultations for remaining phases of the roadmap: $100 / session
payment plans available


Not looking to commit to a program just yet? If you are solely interested in functional testing, click the link below to learn more about my one-off test options.


Reach out to me and let me know which program or service you are most interested in, or fill out the form at the bottom of the page for a custom package. From there, I will send you a link to book a discovery call where we can chat through your unique wellness goals and needs, and determine which package or one-off service will best support your healing journey. This call will also give you the ability to decide if you want to move forward, and if so I will follow up with details to have you enrolled and onboarded as a client!

After enrollment, I will send you detailed intake forms to better understand your unique health history, main symptoms, and goals for healing. In our first session, we will go over this form in-depth and start to formulate a clear roadmap to help you achieve your goals. If you are choosing a service that includes functional lab testing, I will be ordering those once the intake session is complete!

For the packages that include both blood work and additional functional labs, we will meet again once your blood work results come in and you have received your analysis video - typically 2 weeks after the collection date. From there, we will hit the ground running and you will begin a foundational starting protocol. Once the additional test results have come in, we will meet again to either modify or continue advancing your protocol to best support your unique needs. Follow up sessions moving forward will be every 2-3 weeks.

I will keep you posted throughout the process via Practice Better so that you can better understand when your program will begin - but you will have access to send me messages and ask questions at any point once you are onboarded as a client!


All of my programs and services are customizable and can be adjusted or modified to best fit your unique needs.

If you are looking for a program or service not listed, fill out this form with your name, email, and a brief note on what you are looking for. I will follow up and we can work together to create a custom package for you!

Still need more info?

Book a free consult call with me today!