Sacha Inchi Seed Rice Krispie Treats (Allergen Free!)

Fuel for the brain AND body!

I recently shared the best foods for improving mental health, with sacha inchi seeds being one of those foods. There are a few reasons for this - sacha inchi seeds are one of the highest sources of complete plant protein, they’re incredibly high in fiber, and most importantly they’re rich in omega 3 fatty acids.

Omega 3’s are a key nutrient for optimal brain health, since 60% of the brain is made of fat. They’re vital for brain function & development, which is why low levels are associated with accelerated aging & mental decline. They maintain the structure of the brain & allow for better communication between cells, since they’re able to travel easily through brain cell membrane. Studies have also found these fats to stabilize mood, lower depression & other mental disorders, and boost cognitive performance. Unfortunately, the body can’t produce omega 3’s on its own, so it must be supplemented through diet and/or medication.

One serving of sacha inchi seeds contains 4800mg of omega 3’s, which is more than the daily dosage of many supplements & equal to about 6oz of salmon. For comparison, one serving of almonds contains 0mg, so sacha inchi is the obvious winner.

I will continue to share about Brass Roots because this brand is truly changing the game by making sacha inchi not only more accessible, but also delicious. Get your hands on their seed butter ASAP, and then make yourself these brain-boosting rice krispies. They’re truly delicious, take literally no time to make, and can be enjoyed by people of all dietary needs since they’re allergen free.

Try them out!




  • 1/2 cup Brass Roots unsweetened sacha inchi seed butter (code grayce20)

  • 1/4 cup maple syrup

  • 2 tbsp coconut oil

  • 2 cups One Degree Organics brown rice cacao crisps cereal


  • Heat seed butter, syrup, and oil in a large pot over the stove until melted and combined. Stir in cereal & mix until fully coated.

  • Pour mixture into a square pan and flatten. Freeze for at least 30 minutes, or until rice krispies are set and firmed up. Remove & slice into squares.



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