Almond Joy Protein Cookies (No Bake!)

The mid-afternoon snack to keep you satisfied and fuel the rest of your day.

I was planning on making these into protein balls, but I really liked the sound of a no bake cookie so I went with that instead. These cookies are super simple to make, sweetened with a tiny bit of maple syrup and a few dates, and are incredibly dense and satiating to fuel your busy day. They’re a great option to keep on hand to satisfy your afternoon sweet tooth, while also balancing blood sugar to prevent the dreaded sugar crash. They’re high in protein and healthy fats, as the base is made primarily from roasted almonds, which also means they’ll actually keep you full so that you won’t feel the need to reach for something more processed shortly after.

If you’re someone who’s constantly on the go and is always in need of a quick snack to grab throughout the day, these are definitely the way to go. They taste like a dessert, but are packed with a ton of micro and macronutrients to give you sustained energy to power through the rest of your day.

Try them out!




  • 2 cups of raw roasted almonds (roasted helps release the nuts release their natural oils easier, you can also roast yourself or add a little coconut oil!)

  • 2-3 pitted dates, depending on how sweet you want it

  • 2 tbsp maple syrup

  • 1 tsp almond extract 

  • 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut flakes

  • 2 scoops of chocolate plant protein (I used Ancient Nutrition, code TASTESWITHGRAYCE20 for a discount!)

  • 1 tbsp cacao powder

  • 1/4 cup coconut flour

  • Plant milk if needed to combine batter (I used coconut milk)

  • 100% dark chocolate or cacao chips heated in the microwave with coconut oil until melted

  • Crushed slivered almonds 


  • Blend nuts in a high speed blender or food processor for a few minutes until smooth, just before it turns into almond butter. Add in dates, syrup, almond extract, and coconut flakes and pulse until a dough forms - it should be pretty thick.

  • Stir in protein, cacao, and coconut flour, adding a little plant milk as necessary if the batter is too thick. You can use your hands to help work the dough.

  • Roll dough into balls and flatten the tops of each to form a cookie shape. Top with melted chocolate, more coconut flakes, and slivered almonds.

  • Store in the fridge or freezer for longer term and pop one out when you’re ready to eat!



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