Mind, Body, and Soul Practices for Summer

I know that I’m about a month late to sharing this post, but seasonal living is something that is so simple yet so beneficial for our overall health, so better late than never!

Making the conscious effort to adjust our lifestyle and habits to be in alignment with the seasons is the simplest way to create more balance in our lives. This includes not only the foods we eat, but also the routines and rituals we do on a daily basis. And for the most part, seasonal living actually comes effortlessly. There’s a reason why we crave lighter foods like smoothies and salads in the summer, and heartier and heavier foods in the winter. Or why we want to do all of the activities in the summer, but never want to leave the couch in the winter. We naturally adjust with the seasons, because as whacky as it may sound, we are nature, it’s literally what we’re made of and who we are. It’s why often the most basic things like sunlight, food, water, and care make the most difference in our overall health. And just like the seasons change, so do we, which is why it’s incredibly important to constantly check in and make changes when we’re feeling out of alignment.

In Ayurveda, summer is seen as the season of lightness and heat. It’s also seen as a time for expansion and mobility, with longer days and more socializing. So to find more balance, all we need to do is bring more of that energy into our lives. We can find this lightness and flow physically, mentally, and energetically through simple daily practices and routines that are in greater harmony with nature. So if you’re ever feeling “off” throughout the summer months, go back to the basics and try some of these out!

for the mind:

  1. Relax. Remember, summer is associated with lightness, so allow your mind to feel the same. This doesn’t have to mean taking a vacation to a tropical island, but incorporate little things into your daily routine that allow for more relaxation.

  2. Practice forgiveness and letting go. Holding onto negative thoughts, feelings, and experiences takes up a lot of space in our brains. When we give ourselves the permission to let go, we free our minds and create space for the things that are actually important.

  3. Find mental clarity. This is a great time to really get clear about various aspects of your life, because again these things take up so much mental space. Take this time to sort through any big decisions or questions you’ve been considering to bring more lightness and ease to your mind.

  4. Spend time in the fresh air. We all know the mental benefits of getting outside, so try to make it a priority every single day. Especially when you feel stressed and like you don’t have time, this is the perfect time to walk right outside and just breathe.

for the body:

  1. Eat foods that promote lightness. No, I don’t mean eating a fruit and lettuce all day, but try to eat more foods that are less heavy while still being satiating. Smoothies are always the best option in my opinion, because you can load them up with necessary nutrients to fuel your busy summer day. Nourish bowls or huge salads are also a great option, using foods like vegetables, grains and legumes, and beans to keep you full. During these months, try to consume more fibrous and easy-to-digest foods and drinks that also promote cleansing. Think salads, smoothies, fresh fruit, iced drinks, etc. This is also a great time to eat more raw foods as opposed to cooked, which will also save you time.

  2. Eat seasonal. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables in abundance during the summer months - the fresher the better. If it’s accessible, buy produce from the Farmer’s Market or in your grocery store’s local section as often as you can.

  3. Hydrate, a lot. The summer sun means sweating more and losing electrolytes, so it’s incredibly important to replenish all throughout the day. Obviously water is a great option, but naturally hydrating and cooling foods are also an effective way to stay fueled. Again, think smoothies, salads, fresh fruits and vegetables, etc.

  4. Rise with the sun. As the days get longer, this is a great opportunity to wake up with the sun and wind down as it sets. This also goes back to the main principle of Ayurveda by living with the flow of nature. Not to mention, summer sunrises are the best.

  5. Outdoor movement. As always, find the type of movement that works best for you, but this is a great time to get moving outside. This doesn’t have to involve a sweaty workout or long run (if you know me, you know that’s not happening), but consider more walking, hiking, biking, or swimming throughout these months. There are so many outdoor activities available in the summer, so take advantage of them while you can.


  1. Actively connect with nature. This can mean so many different things, so find what works best and is sustainable for you. Earthing, gardening, camping, and even just sitting outside are all great options to try.

  2. Bring in more flow. Since summer is associated with lightness, it’s the season to really allow more flow and spontaneity. Remain open to all of the possibilities available during this time, and maybe even try something new.

  3. Release. I think this is the case for every new season or time of transition, but allow yourself to release any stuck energy and negativity. Now is the time to start over, with a nice and fresh clean slate. Or to eloquently put it, let that sh*t go.

  4. Deep breathing. If you’re into breathwork and breathing techniques, summer is the perfect time for deep, cleansing breaths. And if you’re also into habit stacking, try practicing these techniques while outside. If you think this stuff is crazy, you literally have no choice but to breathe - so why not try making some of those breaths a little bit deeper?

  5. Strengthen your gratitude practice. Summer is such a happy season filled with so much abundance, so use this time to really take note of what you’re grateful for. Longer days, warm weather, vacations and relaxation, more time with friends and family - the list goes on and on.

And for all of my visual folks out there, save this for your reference:

Let me know if you try any of these! And if you like these posts, go back and read some of my others from previous seasons.


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