Indian Lentil Curry

I used to be obsessed with making the most complex recipes literally just for myself, which I would do for every single meal of the day. Cooking has always been an incredible form of self care for me, one where I’m able to use my creativity to come up with different creations that sound interesting in my head and then bring them to life. Sometimes those ideas work, and sometimes they don’t, but it’s still a fun process and learning experience.

But, in recent months, I’ve realized how much I love simple meals. Which let me tell you, has been a great realization to have. Yes, occasionally I’ll make something that involves one billion different ingredients that I had to find at ten different grocery stores, but that’s way more rare these days. Simple but flavorful meals are my go-to, which for me typically involves a variety of plant foods. I’m sure this will change again with time, but for now it’s what makes me feel my best, saves me a ton of time and energy, and of course is slightly more friendly for my bank account. I say slightly because I still can’t resist every new snack food item that comes to stores and ingredients for my baked goods - iykyk. But still, no shame.

But if you’re in a similar position and looking to save time, energy, and money while still nourishing your body in a yummy way, this recipe is a great choice. It takes almost no time to make, is packed with flavor, and can be customized using ingredients that you prefer. I served it with basmati rice and naan to create a more satiating meal, but feel free to pair it with any other side, or just eat it alone.

So get cookin’ and try it out!




  • ½ cup dry lentils

  • ¼ cup coconut oil

  • 1 large eggplant cut into cubes

  • 1 diced white onion 

  • 1 cup chopped cauliflower 

  • 3 minced garlic cloves

  • 2 tsp fresh grated ginger

  • 2 tbsp garam masala

  • 1 tsp cumin

  • Salt & pepper to taste

  • 1 can crushed tomatoes

  • 1 can diced tomatoes 

  • Fresh cilantro & diced green onion to top

  • Cooked basmati rice & naan (gluten-free if desired) to serve


  • Cook lentils in a saucepan according to instructions. Drain any excess liquid when done.

  • In a large pot, heat eggplant in coconut oil for a few minutes, then add in onion and cauliflower. Continue to cook for another few minutes, or until vegetables are browned. Add in spices and stir until vegetables are fully coated.

  • Add crushed and diced tomatoes, stir, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to simmer and cook for 20 minutes, or until eggplant and cauliflower are soft. Stir in cooked lentils and let simmer for another few minutes.

  • Top with fresh cilantro and diced green onion. Serve with naan, basmati rice, or both.



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