Tips for Balancing Blood Sugar (that are actually attainable!)

Blood sugar balance seems to be all the rage these days, but it’s for good reason. 

Blood sugar, also known as glucose, naturally rises and falls throughout the day. It’s the body’s main source of energy and comes from the foods we eat - typically starchy carbohydrates and foods higher in sugar. When we experience stress, our body’s release the stress hormone cortisol to act as a protective mechanism to keep the body safe. Cortisol then provides the body with glucose, giving us the energy to fight or flight a stressful situation. So, glucose and cortisol are actually good things, they help keep us safe. But they’re also tricky, because too much of a good thing certainly exists and imbalances can quickly cause a cascade of health issues in the body. 

Certain dietary and lifestyle habits can cause what many refer to as a blood sugar rollercoaster, which is when glucose levels spike and crash throughout the day rather than slowly rise and fall. It’s where the phrase “feeling wired and tired” comes from, because the body literally experiences a surge of energy and then becomes depleted. These spikes can trigger serious inflammatory responses in the body, which can sometimes ultimately lead to disease. 

Balancing blood sugar is actually super accessible for most people, and can be done through both dietary and lifestyle habits that lower stress. For some people, it’s actually the cure for their acne, sleep issues, food cravings, digestion, weight management, and so much more. These daily habits include:

  • Go on a walk after meals: Walking is an incredible and attainable form of exercise for most people. When we exercise, our muscles tap into our glucose stores for fuel. Walking after meals not only lowers blood sugar, but it also decreases stress to reduce the risk of a cortisol spike.

  • Eat your greens first: The latest research is now showing that glucose levels are significantly lower when vegetables are eaten before starches and carbohydrates. This does not mean in any way that carbs are bad, but instead that they’re better absorbed when greens are eaten first, which then prevents the dreaded food coma. So the next time you order the pasta and breadsticks, try having a salad or veggie of the day with it.

  • Consume protein, fiber, and healthy fats with meals: These are the most satiating macro and micronutrients, meaning they’ll help keep us fuller for longer and provide sustained energy, which will then lessen the need to go back for a sugary snack. This goes back to the last bullet, but studies have shown that carbohydrates and sugars are better absorbed when eaten with protein, fiber, and healthy fats. For example, glucose levels significantly decrease when a donut is eaten with some eggs for breakfast rather than by itself. So again, this is about what you can add to your diet!

  • Drink diluted apple cider vinegar before heavier meals: Studies have shown that fermented foods such as apple cider vinegar can lower glucose levels by helping store excess glucose in the liver. This helps decrease the body’s rate of producing and absorbing glucose from the meal. Try mixing a little with a big glass of water to help with the taste.

  • Pair starches and carbohydrates with a healthy fat source: Similar to the above bullets, studies are showing that carbohydrates are better absorbed when paired with a healthy fat. So just by adding some vegan or grass fed butter to your toast, you will significantly lower your risk of spiking your glucose. Aka, endless avocado toast on deck.

  • Opt for savory or naturally sweetened snacks: This is pretty self explanatory, but sugar is a chemical. Actually, it’s a drug, and is shown to be more addictive than most recreational drugs out there. So, the more we eat it, the more we crave it. Our bodies also see all sugar as sugar, so no matter what substitutions you use your glucose levels will still spike. I personally cannot go a single day without dessert, but I try to consume snacks throughout the day that are naturally sweetened and save the real dessert for when I don’t need as much energy. If you have a huge sweet tooth throughout the day, try consuming snacks with plenty of nut butter as the healthy fats will also help reduce cravings. Sunflower butter is my favorite food of all time, so I love to have it throughout the day as a quick and easy snack. If you follow me on Instagram, you know I’m a huge fan of natural food brands, so HMU for all of my favorite savory snacks.

I love that this movement is now becoming more mainstream, because it’s really unlike so many of the health trends we’ve seen over the years. I know that I’m not alone when I say that I feel like it finally gives people, especially women, permission. We’re constantly targeted with diets and wellness fads to try, which more often than not involves removing things from our diet and changing our way of life, but this is different. If you want the bread and pasta, eat them, but consider having some greens first. If you want the cookies or donuts at work, go for it, but maybe get outside after so that you have energy for the rest of your day. 

Health isn’t about what you can remove from your diet and lifestyle, but instead what you can add. So try adding some of these habits into your life! 


Baingan Bharta


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