Ways to Support the Body’s Natural Detoxification Process

the new trendiest detox!

Now that I have your attention, I want to warn you that I will not be telling you about a pill to take or juice to drink. But, I’m hoping that this information will help both you and your bank account the next time you feel enticed to try the next big thing in the wellness world.

The term “detox” is a huge buzzword nowadays, and for the most part is nothing more than some pretty decent marketing. The media loves to throw out claims that specific diets or products will completely flush our bodies of toxins, but that’s a whole other topic and not where I’m going with this.

The human body is designed to naturally detoxify on its own, primarily through the liver but also through various other bodily systems. Toxins can come in the form of pollutants, synthetic chemicals, heavy metals, processed foods, and more - so needless to say, this whole detox thing is a full time job. Luckily, for the majority of the folks out there, detoxification comes without any thought or effort. With the right genetic makeup, antibodies are created that bind to toxins, which are carried out through one of the body’s many detox pathways. So if you needed an excuse to save your money on that overpriced 3-day cleanse, here you have it. Your body already does this stuff for free.

However for a very special population, these antibodies cannot be made, so nothing is able to bind to the toxins that enter the body. When this happens, those toxins are brought straight to the liver - or another detox pathway such as the skin, GI tract, kidneys, or lymphatic system. When toxins start to accumulate, these detox pathways literally become poisoned, they completely close off, and are no longer able to do their jobs. This is why so many of the people that fall into this category are incredibly sensitive to the exposure of certain toxins, because they cannot physically handle any more of the build up. Until those pathways are opened up again, those people will only get sicker, which is why it’s common for other illnesses to develop alongside.  

Luckily, there are tons of simple and effective ways to get those pathways open and running again. Depending on the severity of the illness, sometimes binders and medications are necessary to pull the toxins out, but that’s when you look for advice from a medical professional and not from what you read online.

Below are just a few of the easy, cost effective ways to support those systems in the detoxification process. Again, depending on what’s going on, these things may not be enough, but they’re a great way to add any help that the body may need. 

Easy ways to support the body’s natural detoxification process:

  1. Hydrate: Hydration is key for flushing out toxins in the body, especially in the skin, kidneys, and GI tract. Aim to drink around half of your body weight or more in ounces of water, depending on your activity level and detoxification needs. If you have a tough time drinking water, try adding in fresh fruit for flavoring or naturally sweetened electrolytes powder.

  2. Sleep: Sleep is the most critical time for both brain and body to reset, recharge, and ultimately remove any of the toxins that have accumulated throughout the day. Without sufficient sleep, the body will not have the time and space to flush out these toxins, and they will only continue to accumulate. Every person is so different in terms of hours needed, so aim for however long is necessary for your body to recharge.

  3. Sweat: Sweat glands help filter unwanted toxins out of the body, which then improves our immune function and overall health. Sweating also increases circulation in the body and forms a protective barrier to fight pathogens and reduce bacteria on the skin. Physical activity is a great option for reasons way beyond detoxification, but saunas, steam rooms, and hot baths or showers are also just as efficient for detox.

  4. Eat more plants: Plant based foods are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that these detox pathways thrive on. Antioxidants help the body fight off oxidative stress caused by excessive free radicals and other toxins. Foods high in sulfur, such as cruciferous vegetables and leafy greens, are especially helpful as they support the body’s natural production of glutathione - the most important antioxidant used for detoxification. Try to consume a variety of these foods as often as possible, and experiment with different types and cooking techniques to make them actually enjoyable.

  5. Support the gut with prebiotics: A healthy gut is necessary for both detoxification and immune health. Prebiotics feed the good bacteria in the gut, allowing that bacteria to better produce and absorb nutrients. Try incorporating more prebiotic rich foods into your diet, such as garlic, onion, artichokes, asparagus, bananas, chicory, oats, and more.

  6. Limit processed foods, added sugars, and alcohol: Consuming a high amount of these can significantly impact liver and kidney function, two of the body’s predominant detox pathways. This does not mean that you need to cut these out entirely, but be mindful of their impact if you are consuming them on a regular basis in excess.

  7. Consider more natural cleaning and beauty products: The majority of home and beauty products today are filled with synthetic chemicals that can increase toxin exposure. Again, this does not mean you need to throw away everything you own, but try to make simple swaps to nontoxic and sustainable products whenever you can. Start small, because even just a little bit goes long way.

yep, that simple. try them out!


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