Limiting Mold and Mycotoxin Exposure

Mold and mycotoxins are a huge trigger for those with MCAS and Lyme disease. But, they also affect anyone and everyone in varying degrees, especially when the body experiences an overload of these toxins. Going back to the “bucket” theory, when toxins build up, the bucket starts to fill until it has no choice but to overflow. This significantly weakens the immune system, which then makes it likely to develop even more illnesses and autoimmune diseases, because the body begins to see everything as a threat, which is why it starts to attack itself. 

Symptoms from mold and mycotoxin illness can include more common immune reactions, such as allergies and mast cell activation. But they can also include chemical and inflammatory reactions, such as cognitive impairment, pain, weight loss, digestive issues, chronic fatigue, hormonal imbalances, mental health disorders, and more. The severity of these symptoms vary from person to person, but often those with other chronic illnesses suffer the most.

I used to think that mold illness was a myth, but let me tell you it’s not. I knowingly lived in a house with mold for 2.5 years but thought that it wouldn’t affect me, and wow I was wrong. I’m learning now that it’s way more common than we think, especially for those with preexisting conditions. When other diseases and mold interact, they make everything worse. I can only speak for Lyme, but it’s why so many people become way sicker after starting treatment, because the two feed off each other. There are many tests out there to check for mycotoxin levels in your body, so talk to your doctor if you think it’s an issue. From my own experience, I used Great Plains Laboratory Mycotoxin Test, which is what showed my doctor that the levels in my body were abnormally high.

I also used to think health meant diet and exercise, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. Your environment matters. It plays a huge role in your overall health, sometimes way more than all of the green vegetables and yoga ever will. So please, get the levels in your house tested. Get the levels in your body tested. Take preventative measures to keep moisture levels low. And when you can, stay the f*ck away from mold. 

So, here are a few things you can start doing today to reduce your toxin overload and prevent mold in your house.

  1. Spend time outdoors and practice grounding: Fresh air is vital for boosting circulation and providing the body with fresh, new oxygen. Grounding, or putting your bare feet in the earth, has been shown to provide numerous health benefits, with one being toxin removal. The simple act of grounding can help bring the body back to balance, as electrons from the earth’s surface can help pull out toxins from the body.

  2. Open windows and turn on fans: Especially in the summer when it’s humid outside, make sure that your house is continuously circulated with fresh air to prevent mold growth.

  3. Use a dehumidifier: Mold grows in damp and humid areas, so run a dehumidifier throughout your house to remove excess moisture from the air.

  4. Buy indoor plants: House plants are both easy and inexpensive natural air purifiers. Snake plants specifically are shown to be one of the highest for purification and toxin removal.

  5. Switch to nontoxic home and beauty products: Using tons of products high in synthetic chemicals will only increase your toxin overload, so opt for more natural products when you can.

  6. Clean with a natural mold cleaner: Especially in showers and places throughout the house where mold is more likely to grow, use a high quality cleaning solution that targets mold growth. There are a bunch on Amazon!

  7. Test your house on a consistent basis: It’s definitely most ideal to have a professional test for both mold and moisture levels, but those are both very expensive to do consistently. There are tons of inexpensive, at-home tests that you can buy on Amazon for much cheaper, but make sure to always read the reviews to make sure they’re legit.

  8. Take binders: Just like the name implies, these “bind” themselves to toxins in the body to help the removal process. I’d only recommend supplementing with binders if you actually have a mold or mycotoxin problem, and of course under the care of a medical professional. Activated charcoal and chlorella are two bioavailable and fairly inexpensive options. If you do supplement, take them before detoxing - such as an infrared sauna session.

  9. Spend time in an infrared sauna: Infrared therapy is shown to be one of the most effective ways to detox from mold, as it helps pull out toxins through sweat. It also has so many other incredible health benefits for so many other bodily systems, such as the lymphatic, circulatory, and respiratory.

  10. Sweat: This is probably the easiest and most accessible option, but highly effective. Sweating helps boost the body’s natural detoxification process, which is also why infrared is so effective.

  11. Hydrate: Another tool for boosting the body’s natural detoxification process. Hydration is key for detox as it helps the body flush out unwanted toxins, which are then released through sweat and/or urine.


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