The Gray Area of Health and Wellness

As a very all-or-nothing person, I often catch myself in the classic social media comparison game. In our society, it’s so easy to see health on a spectrum. You’re either strictly plant based, or you only eat processed foods. You’re either a yogi or a gym rat. You either take daily prescription drugs, or you load up on all of the natural supplements. You’re either 100% what society deems as “healthy”, or 100% so-called “unhealthy”.

But in my opinion, neither end of the spectrum is sustainable. True wellness is finding that balance, that gray area, and marrying the two. There is no either/or. You can do both, or neither, and still be living in your definition of true wellness.

The coolest part? No one else’s gray area will look the same as yours. Everyone will always have different values and priorities with everything in life, and that’s okay. You’re not a “failure” for not having a green smoothie with a billion different pills and powders inside. There’s nothing wrong with preferring alternative treatment over conventional medicine. True health and wellness comes from how you define it, which will always look different from how others do.

Personally, I’ve found the most healing through various holistic approaches and Eastern Medicine. BUT, I also take various prescriptions from Western Doctors that I couldn’t live without. I obviously am obsessed with yoga, but I also sometimes really like a nice and sweaty strength workout. I swear by my daily practices and rituals to keep me feeling my best, but in reality I won’t always do them. And, guess what? That is totally okay.

So, for whoever needs it:

You can eat mostly organic foods AND still enjoy the processed ones

You can do low impact workouts AND still lift weights at the gym

You can spend hours on your morning routine some days AND completely neglect it on others

You can have days where you’re constantly productive and doing things to better yourself AND have ones where you don’t get out of bed

You can intermittent fast on some days AND eat the moment you wake up on others

You can meditate religiously AND accept that sometimes, you just don’t feel like it

You can see a naturopathic doctor for alternative healing remedies AND rely on your primary care doctor for medication

You can consume animal products AND still eat plant based

You can use all non-toxic household cleaning supplies AND swear by drug-store skincare products

….I could keep going, but I think you get the point. So find your unique gray area and don’t let anyone out there influence you to change your mind.

Let’s stop making health so damn complicated and trying to force our opinions down others’ throats!


Chewy Oatmeal Chocolate Chunk Cookies


Mind, Body, and Soul Practices for Eating with Digestive Concerns